

Repository of free climate data for building performance simulation

From the Creators of the EPW


This site contains climate data designed specifically to support building simulations. As such, the files are Typical Meteorological Years (TMY) and are published by a variety of organizations. The prime format of the files is "EPW" but each climate location zip file contains:
Data supplied by organizations have their dataset identified in the file names (USA_AK_Adak.AP.704540_TMY3 - TMY3 dataset; BRA_AC_Feijo.AP.819240_INMET - INMET dataset; CHN_AH_Anquin.584240_CSWD - CWSD dataset)

TMYx dataset are created by the authors of this website. TMYx files are typical meteorological data derived from hourly weather data through 2021 in the ISD (US NOAA's Integrated Surface Database) using the TMY/ISO 15927-4:2005 methodologies. Currently, there are more than 16,100 TMYx locations supplied. For the 2022/2023 release (this includes full TMYx, 2007-2021 TMYx but does not include the 2004-2018 TMYx), the solar data for each site has corresponding solar radiation from the ERA5 reanalysis data set. The ERA5 data, courtesy of Oikolab, provides a comprehensive, worldwide gridded solar radiation data set based on satellite data. The 2004-2018 TMYx files use cloud cover and other variables to determine the solar.
From the ISO list of countries (ISO3166 for abbreviations), there are 249 countries listed. There is TMYx data for each of those countries, using WMO designations for the sites and listed in WMO regions. Some regions might contain duplicates of countries (e.g., Russia Federation is listed in both WMO Region 2 (Asia) and WMO Region 6 (Europe).
There may be two TMYx files for a location. For example, for Luxembourg Airport:
  • LUX_LU_Luxembourg.AP.065900_TMYx.epw - data used is derived from the entire applicable period
  • LUX_LU_Luxembourg.AP.065900_TMYx.2007-2021.epw - data used is derived from the most recent 15 years (2007-2021)

Not all locations have recent data.

This site contains KML map links to files contained on the site.  Each KML is posted on the first page of each WMO region. KMLs point to the datasets contained in the WMO region. (Possibly multiple KMLs for some regions)
Download the KML and open in Google Earth or Google Earth for Chrome


July 2023 - CWEC2020 v2 (564 sites) and CWEC TDY 2020 (564 sites)

July 2023 - Updated Uruguay AMTUes data to V2.5.

November 2022 -  New Building Reference Year and Future Climate Data set for 564 Canadian Locations.

May 2022 - CWEC 2020 - 564 locations - added.

April 2022 - Completely updated worldwide TMYx dataset which adds more than 2500 new locations (>15% increase), bringing the total to more than 16,100 locations. These include weather station meteorology data through 2021 and corresponding solar radiation from the ERA5 reanalysis data set. The ERA5 data, courtesy of Oikolab,  provides a comprehensive, worldwide gridded solar radiation data set based on satellite data. The new data (and all other weather files on the site including the 2004-2018 TMYx) also now include the latest ASHRAE 2021 design conditions.

TMYx climate files in this update -- locations/recent (2007-2021):

  • WMO Region 1 (Africa) 1301 locations, 1162 recent (^45%)
  • WMO Region 2 (Asia) 2738 locations, 2218 recent (^25%)
  • WMO Region 2 (Asia) / Region 6 (Europe) – Russia 1478 locations, 976 recent (^6%)
  • WMO Region 3 (South America) 1077 locations, 960 recent (^54%)
  • WMO Region 4 (North and Central America, Caribbean except USA and Canada) 450 locations, 412 recent (^35%)
  • WMO Region 4 (USA) 2844 locations, 2692 recent (^16%)
  • WMO Region 4 (Canada) 864 locations, 830 recent (^4%)
  • WMO Region 5 (Southwest Pacific) 1313 locations, 1219 recent (^5%)
  • WMO Region 6 (Europe) 3708 locations, 3148 recent (^9%)
  • WMO Region 7 (Antarctica) 109 locations, 98 recent (^130%)

Another new data set are the hourly Climate Normals for the U.S. These are typical climate conditions for thousands of locations across the United States. Normals are calculated for a uniform 30-year period, and consist of annual/seasonal, monthly, daily, and hourly averages and statistics of temperature, precipitation, and other climatological variables from almost 15,000 U.S. weather stations. We have converted the hourly normal for the 600 stations available each for 1981-2010, 1991-2020, and 2006-2020 into EPW and other formats.


Climate Files - listed in WMO Regions

WMO Region 1 - Africa

WMO Region 2 - Asia

WMO Region 3 - South America

WMO Region 4 - North and Central America

WMO Region 5 - Southwest Pacific

WMO Region 6 - Europe

WMO Region 7 - Antarctica

Note that some countries cross Asia and Europe boundaries.

See the News page for current status of what is available on this site and below for information about the source climate/weather data.

Source Climate Data Sets

Click here for a description of the source climate/weather data used on this site and the date it was last updated.


Climate.OneBuilding.Org, OneBuilding.Org and the authors accept no liability for the content, quality or completeness of any data posted on this site, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.