

WMO Region 3 - South America

Map (KML) and Spreadsheet (xlsx) of available TMYx Region 3 South America climate files

Map (KML) and Spreadsheet (xlsx) of available ArgTMY (Argentina) climate files
Map (KML) and Spreadsheet (xlsx) of available INMET and TRY (Brazil) climate files (includes a single Region7 (Antarctica) file)
Map (KML) and Spreadsheet (xlsx) of available AMTUes (Uruguay) climate files
Map (KML) and Spreadsheet (xlsx) of available BrazFuture (Brazil) climate files

ARG - Argentina BOL - Bolivia BRA - Brazil
BRA - Brazil - BrazFuture CHL -Chile COL - Colombia
ECU - Ecuador FLK - Falkland Islands GUF - French Guiana
GUY - Guyana PER - Peru PRY - Paraguay
SGS - South Georgia Sandwich Islands SUR - Suriname URY - Uruguay
VEN - Venezuela